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10 ways to keep your mind in shape.

10 simple ways to stay your mind in shape

Learn how to stay your mind. Razor with simple exercises and tips that benefit our brain. the great thing, though, is that unlike exercises that keep our muscles and body in shape, training our brains doesn't require sweat, sneakers and endless miles on the treadmills.Try the following: ”

1. Solve a crossword or a Sudoku a day 

10 ways to keep your mind in shape.

They refresh the memory, give food to the inductive thinking and sharpen our ability to seek out solutions to problems. we will do for our brains.

2. Read more

10 ways to keep your mind in shape.

What is food for our body is reading for our mind. Extra knowledge expands horizons, difficult readings test the perceptual capacity of the brain while pleasant books or articles in magazines greatly benefit our imagination and permit our mind to require . Valuable breaths.

3. Talk more

10 ways to keep your mind in shape.

Have you noticed that we are becoming more and more uninterested in discussing our interactions with others? Big chats are replaced by one-word SMS, business communications are being hastily emailed and our interpersonal relationships have passed into the 140-character era of a tweet. We must remember, however, that real discussions, people who have rhetoric, ways, arguments, and food for thought and contradiction, that is, fruitful dialogue, are a very good exercise keep our thinking "sharp" and prepared .

4. Try to write regularly

10 ways to keep your mind in shape.

Writing requires tons of thinking, which can only benefit within the mind and in its functions like logical associations, imagination, structured writing and plot. Write a brief story of your own, a brief story or an opinion article that you simply can send to your favorite medium.

5. Play

10 ways to keep your mind in shape.

Video games and board games can make us smarter, as they require alertness and therefore the operation of the many mental skills at an equivalent time. Choose matching games for memory, observation, knowledge, problem solving, collaboration, and more.

6. Learn a replacement foreign language

10 ways to keep your mind in shape.

This is a first-class exercise for the brain, which undertakes to find out from the start a replacement language structure, new vocabulary and rules of expression, as a results of which it can relax well. Of course, any new hobby, hobby, instrument , etc. that you simply plan to learn can do an equivalent good for your brain.

7. Take care of your body

10 ways to keep your mind in shape.

It is no coincidence that the "worn" Ancient Greek saying "a healthy mind during a healthy body". once you concentrate to your diet and exercise our body, maintaining a healthy body, the brain is affected accordingly positively and may function as freely as possible with none problems. Therefore, a diet for the brain to urge the nutrients it needs, exercise and adequate sleep are the secrets to keeping your head, literally, calm.

8. Change your habits

10 ways to keep your mind in shape.

There is no more "insidious" threat to the mind's alertness than routine, complacency and "ease" of habit. If you are doing precisely the same movements, routes and tasks a day , in a uniform way whenever , your brain has nothing to believe and goes… with the autopilot, causing it to "fall asleep". attempt to "shake" him by changing your habits or maybe your simple movements. for instance , if you're trying to brush your teeth together with your left (if you are right-handed) you'll determine how difficult it's - or in other words, how well you've got trained your brain, constantly giving it your predictable commands.

10 ways to keep your mind in shape.


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